• Obesity bigotry continues even after weight loss - Study

    Updated: 2012-05-31 12:53:51
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Obesity bigotry continues even after weight loss Study POSTED May 31, 2012 17:23 POSTED BY Jyoti Pal Last edited by Reshmi Chakravorty on May 31, 2012 17:29 Getting rid of that excess flab may be good for the individual’s health but may not be good enough to command respect in the . society If the findings of a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Hawaii , The University of Manchester and Monash

  • Aspirin's 'double hit' on bowel cancer

    Updated: 2012-05-31 10:32:00
    Aspirin kills cancer cells by controlling two key processes that influence energy use in cells and could explain how aspirin can prevent bowel cancer.

  • Pre-op Treatments Boost Survival for Esophageal Cancer Patients Study

    Updated: 2012-05-31 09:11:39
    : Health News Pre-op Treatments Boost Survival for Esophageal Cancer Patients : Study Print E-mail WEDNESDAY , May 30 HealthDay News Patients with esophageal cancer who receive chemotherapy and radiation before surgery have better outcomes , Dutch researchers . report We think that patients with esophageal cancer have the best chance to survive this cancer when they are treated with preoperative chemo-radiotherapy followed by surgery , said lead researcher Dr . Ate van der Gaast , from the medical oncology department at Erasmus University Hospital in Rotterdam . By giving preoperative chemo-radiotherapy , more patients are cured than with surgery alone . In the United States , more than 17,000 people will be diagnosed with esophageal cancer and more than 15,000 will die from it this year ,

  • Cancer Research UK initiative attracts innovative targeted cancer trials to the UK

    Updated: 2012-05-31 00:01:00
    A Cancer Research UK initiative to improve cancer gene testing has prompted two pharmaceutical companies to plan pioneering international trials into targeted cancer treatments in the UK.

  • Cutting alcohol intake 'would prevent 2,600 cancer deaths a year'

    Updated: 2012-05-30 23:30:00
    Reducing daily alcohol intake could prevent 4,600 deaths every year, including more than 2,600 from cancer, experts from Oxford University have said.

  • Blood test gives 'real-time' picture of cancer

    Updated: 2012-05-30 19:00:00
    A simple and cost-effective blood test could be used to monitor how a patient is responding to treatment and detect genetic faults in their cancer as they happen, according to a Cancer Research UK study.

  • May 30, 54 yrs old no diagnosis yet

    Updated: 2012-05-30 14:33:05
    Hi, i have a question. About 25 yrs ago i was in my doctoir's office, he wanted to check me for polyps- this was done right in his room at the clinic.

  • Vitamin D, exercise helps prevent falls in seniors

    Updated: 2012-05-30 06:39:22
    , Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Vitamin D , exercise helps prevent falls in seniors POSTED May 30, 2012 11:09 POSTED BY Jyoti Pal Last edited by Reshmi Chakravorty on May 30, 2012 11:50 Taking vitamin D supplements and indulging in regular exercise may help prevent falls in older adults , recommendations from a government-backed panel . suggest Falling is a common problem and it's often overlooked because doctors may not be aware of their

  • Emotional Woes May Last for Childhood Cancer Survivors

    Updated: 2012-05-30 02:54:44
    Health News Emotional Woes May Last for Childhood Cancer Survivors Print E-mail TUESDAY , May 29 HealthDay News Adult survivors of childhood cancer can suffer emotional problems and reduced quality of life because of the long-term physical effects of their cancer treatment , a new study . finds Researchers used data from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study to assess the effects of scarring , disfigurement and persistent hair loss experienced by more than 14,000 adult survivors of childhood cancer . The survivors were compared to siblings who did not have childhood . cancer Survivors with persistent hair loss had an increased risk of anxiety female survivors with persistent hair loss had an increased risk of depressive symptoms and survivors with a head or neck , arm or leg disfigurement

  • Protein could be specific marker for prostate cancer

    Updated: 2012-05-30 00:01:00
    A newly-discovered protein found only in prostate cancer cells could be used as a marker of the disease and offer a new treatment target, according to a study in the British Journal of Cancer.

  • Scientists hail largest-ever release of childhood cancer genome data

    Updated: 2012-05-29 17:43:00
    The largest-ever release of childhood cancer genome data has been announced by US researchers.

  • Night Shift Might Boost Women's Breast Cancer Risk Study

    Updated: 2012-05-29 10:51:44
    : Health News Night Shift Might Boost Women's Breast Cancer Risk : Study Print E-mail MONDAY , May 28 HealthDay News Women who work the night shift more than twice a week might be increasing their risk for breast cancer , Danish researchers . find Moreover , the risk appears to be cumulative and highest among women who describe themselves as morning people rather than evening people , the researchers . say About 10 to 20 percent of women in modern societies have night shift work , said lead researcher Johnni Hansen . It might therefore be one of the largest occupational problems related to cancer . Right now , the reasons for these findings are . uncertain Night shift work involves exposure to light at night , which decreases the production of the night hormone melatonin that seems to

  • Night shifts put women at greater risk of breast cancer

    Updated: 2012-05-29 10:28:36
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Night shifts put women at greater risk of breast cancer POSTED May 29, 2012 14:58 POSTED BY Jyoti Pal Last edited by Reshmi Chakravorty on May 29, 2012 15:16 Women who work night shifts run a higher risk of developing breast tumors , researchers . warn According to the findings of a latest Danish study , women who are working regularly at night are nearly four times more likely to develop breast cancer as against

  • Post Menopause women should refrain from HRT

    Updated: 2012-05-29 09:52:28
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Post Menopause women should refrain from HRT POSTED May 29, 2012 14:22 POSTED BY Jyoti Pal Last edited by Reshmi Chakravorty on May 29, 2012 14:35 Recommendations made by the U.S . Preventive Services Task Force on hormone replacement therapy HRT may well put an end to the debate on whether hormone HRT risks outweighed the benefits of the . treatment The latest recommendations are principally based on an improved

  • Gene link to higher rates of bowel cancer in men

    Updated: 2012-05-27 18:00:00
    Scientists have shown for the first time that one of the sex chromosomes is involved in the development of a cancer that can afflict both genders, according to a Cancer Research UK-funded study in Nature Genetics.

  • May 26, I am a 59 years old male - Reversal Surgery

    Updated: 2012-05-26 01:52:42
    I was operated on for stage 2 colon cancer in November 2011 and undergone chemotherapy for 6 months. I am using temporary colostomy bag for the last six

  • May 25, Colon Cancer?

    Updated: 2012-05-25 16:49:50
    Is green stool a sign of colon cancer?? -----------------------------

  • Anti-psychotic drug gives clues to target cancer 'stem cells'

    Updated: 2012-05-25 11:34:00
    A key type of cancer cell that drives tumours' growth can be neutralised without damaging healthy cells, according to researchers in Canada.

  • May 24, I'm 22

    Updated: 2012-05-24 16:49:35
    I'm a 22 year old female. For the last 3-4 weeks, I have had chronic diarrhea. I wake up each morning with the urge to go to the bathroom without fail

  • Increasing symptom awareness could improve cancer survival in men with mental illness

    Updated: 2012-05-23 12:01:00
    Men suffering from psychiatric problems when diagnosed with cancer are more likely to die from the disease, according to a new study published today in the British Journal of Cancer.

  • Shelved sleep disorder drug neutralises 'undruggable' cancer cells

    Updated: 2012-05-23 01:10:00
    US scientists have used an abandoned sleep disorder drug to target a cancer protein in mice that was previously considered 'undruggable'.

  • Study confirms 'flexi scope' test reduces bowel cancer deaths

    Updated: 2012-05-22 11:41:00
    A bowel cancer screening test, soon to be introduced in England, reduces the number of new cases and deaths from the disease, a US study has confirmed.

  • Experimental drug could target melanoma that spreads to brain

    Updated: 2012-05-18 00:01:00
    A new drug could be effective for the treatment of melanoma that has spread to the brain, according to an early-stage clinical trial.

  • Cancer Research UK to investigate new drug combination in lung cancer

    Updated: 2012-05-17 00:01:00
    Cancer Research UK’s Drug Development Office has opened the first trial of a new drug combination in patients with advanced solid tumours and in a subset of patients who have non-small cell lung cancer. This trial will combine two compounds that aim to starve the tumours while simultaneously blocking cancer cell growth.

  • Study uncovers genetic diversity of breast cancer

    Updated: 2012-05-16 17:56:00
    Nine new genes involved in the development of breast cancer have been uncovered by Cambridge researchers, bringing the total number to at least 40.

  • NICE recommends prostate cancer drug abiraterone

    Updated: 2012-05-16 00:01:00
    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has issued new draft guidance recommending the use of previously rejected prostate cancer drug abiraterone (Zytiga) on the NHS.

  • Premature deaths from cancer in the UK fall below 14,000 for middle age

    Updated: 2012-05-15 00:01:00
    The number of people in their 50s dying prematurely from cancer in the UK has fallen below 14,000 for the first time in 40 years according to new Cancer Research UK figures published today.

  • Cancer patients seek reassurance through nurse helplines

    Updated: 2012-05-14 00:01:00
    A survey by Cancer Research UK’s helpline nurses has revealed that patients mainly need information to understand their situation and for peace of mind - not just to make treatment choices. The results are published today in Cancer Nursing Practice.

  • May 12, Chemo for Stage 2 cancer

    Updated: 2012-05-12 11:45:23
    About a month ago i was diagnosed with type 2B colon cancer. I had the surgery and the surgeon felt that he removed the tumor, som lymph nodes and anything

  • May 12, Age for Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2012-05-12 11:44:34
    Is it possible to get colon cancer at the age of 38..I have been having severe pain on my left side with bowel pressure..dr checked kidneys and they are

  • May 10, Colonoscopy

    Updated: 2012-05-10 17:30:51
    i had nuts 4 days before my colonoscopy. Is that OK?

  • NICE recommends new targeted lung cancer treatment

    Updated: 2012-05-10 17:29:00
    A new treatment for a type of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has been made available on the NHS.

  • Whole-genome sequencing uncovers new skin cancer gene

    Updated: 2012-05-09 18:49:00
    US scientists have used high-tech DNA sequencing to uncover a new gene linked to melanoma – the most serious form of skin cancer

  • One in six worldwide cancers down to 'largely preventable or treatable' infection

    Updated: 2012-05-09 00:01:00
    Around one in six worldwide cancers - two million new cases every year - are caused by infections, according to a French study.

  • Genetic variation 'predicts behaviour of prostate cancer'

    Updated: 2012-05-08 15:55:00
    Measuring a type of genetic variation in the blood of men with prostate cancer could help predict how their disease will develop, according to US research.

  • May 7, Colonsocopy diet,

    Updated: 2012-05-07 16:13:32
    Are cooked white rice, white pasta and avocado okay to eat 2-3 days prior to colonoscopy

  • Trial launched into curry chemical’s cancer-fighting properties

    Updated: 2012-05-07 00:01:00
    Compounds found in curry are being investigated as a way of improving drug response in patients with advanced bowel cancer in a new study launched today (Monday).

  • May 5, Don't bum out!

    Updated: 2012-05-05 17:51:34
    Was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in July 2010 with 2 years survival. I had home tests done every year and nothing was detected. After a weekend

  • May 5, Lower left abdominal pain

    Updated: 2012-05-05 17:48:48
    How do you know which lower left abdominal pain you have ?

  • May 5, Blood in stool

    Updated: 2012-05-05 17:46:44
    My Dad is 84 and 3 years ago went through having his colon resectioned. He has blood in his stool and has decided not to do anything further. Whast is

  • May 5, Colonoscopy

    Updated: 2012-05-05 17:46:03
    Can you drink beer

  • Department of Health and medical charities publish guidelines on research funding

    Updated: 2012-05-04 12:00:00
    New guidelines that establish how the Department of Health (DH) supports charity-funded research in the NHS have been published.

  • Prostate cancer cases hit 40,000 for the first time

    Updated: 2012-05-04 00:01:00
    Latest figures from Cancer Research UK reveal that the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer in the UK has risen above 40,000.

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